Sull’Online-Store britannico Handtec è disponibile il Tom Tom Car Kit, di cui abbiamo gia parlato su
Il Tom Tom Car Kit, che integra uno speaker potenziato e un ricevitore GPS, subentrando in aiuto al GPS interno dell’iPhone per migliorare il segnale, fornirà una navigazione più sicura e simile a quella tradizionale.
Ciò che farà sicuramente discutere è il prezzo. Handtec lo offre a £113.85 (circa 133,00 Euro). Da considerare che il Software per la navigazione non è incluso nel prezzo e che dovrà quindi sommarsi al Kit.
Vedremo nei prossimi giorni l’evolversi della situazione.
UPDATE: il nostro utente M4rl0w ha contattato l’assistenza clienti di Handtec, ecco la conversazione:
Customer Services (812): Hi there, how may I assist you today?
Me: hello
Me: i’d like to have an information please
Me: regarding the TomTom for iPhone inc Mount you’re selling
Me: can you please tell me whether it combines BOTH the application AND the Car Kit or only the Car Kit please?
Customer Services (812): Please give me a moment while I check this for you.
Me: thank you
Customer Services (812): it will car kit with maps
Customer Services (812): but we are still awaiting more news on this
Customer Services (812): it may only be sold by TomTom
Me: so the application is included or you’re waiting for more news?
Customer Services (812): application will be included
Customer Services (812): need more info if stock will be available to resellers
Me: ah ok, so it’s still not clear whether you can sell it or not
Customer Services (812): that’s correct
Me: ok, and how about the price? you can confirm it in case you can sell the product?
Customer Services (812): yes price is put up incase we get stock
Me: ok, last question
Me: how will it be possible to get the application, does the Car Kit come with a redeem code for App Store?
Customer Services (812): we are still awaiting more info
Me: ok, thanks for your support then!
Customer Services (812): all we know its TomTom software and car kit for the iphone and that we are hoping to get stock of this
Customer Services (812): Thank you for using live chat, have a nice day.
Contattando per mail ecco la risposta:
Thank you for your email
Kind Regards
Customer Services
HandtecWe think it will be sold as a kit TomTom software and mount but we are still awaiting on more info from TomTom
Please note we are still trying to source this product it maybe sold by TomTom direct only
In pratica sembra proprio che il prezzo comprende l’applicazione + il kit, ma al momento non si hanno maggiori info sui modi in cui avverrà tale vendita.